

速読英単語改訂第4版「02.行間への書き込みのすすめ」メモ (the memo of "02. persuasion to mark to line spaces in good books" in "SOKUDOKU English word revised 4th edition" )

速読英単語改訂第4版「02.行間への書き込みのすすめ」メモ (the memo of "02. persuasion to mark to line spaces in good books" in "SOKUDOKU English word revised 4th edition" )

速読英単語改訂第4版「02.行間への書き込みのすすめ」の気になった英文・単語のメモ.(this article is a note of English sentense and word which I note in chapter 02 "persuasion to mark to line spaces in good books" in "SOKUDOKU English word revised 4th edition".)





I want to persuade you to be very active [音声]


V. を説得する, persuade to V:を説得してVさせる.1 to make someone decide to do something, especially by giving them reasons why they should do it, or asking them many times to do it

ex. I persuaded him to buy it.(私は,彼にそれを(説得して)買わせた.)

V. 確信させる 2 to make someone believe something or feel sure about something SYN convince
=>派 persuasion
n. 説得 1 [uncountable] the act of persuading someone to do something
=> persuasive
adj. 説得力のある able to make other people believe something or do what you ask → convincing
積極的になる 1 BUSY always busy doing things, especially physical or mental activities OPP inactive
If you mark the important ideas in a book, [音声]


V. 印をつける 1 WRITE ON SOMETHING [transitive] to write or draw on something, so that someone will notice what you have written
mark ideas: 考えに印をつける.
If you agree with me about the usefulness of marking book, [音声]


n. 有用性 [uncountable] the state of being useful or the degree to which something is useful
Many of the world's great books are available in reprint editions [音声]


adj. 手に入る,利用できる,利用可能 1 something that is available is able to be used or can easily be bought or found

ex. Will the room be available for the meetings? (その部屋はミーティングのために利用可能ですか?

n. 再版,復刻

1 an occasion when more copies of a book are printed because all the copies of it have been sold

V. 編集する 1 [intransitive, transitive] to prepare a book, piece of film etc for printing or broadcasting by removing mistakes or parts that are not acceptable
=>派 editor
n. 編集者 1 the person who is in charge of a newspaper or magazine, or part of a newspaper or magazine, and decides what should be included in it
=>派 edition
n. (書籍・新聞の)版 1 the form that a book, newspaper, magazine etc is produced in
n. 社説 a piece of writing in a newspaper that gives the editor’s opinion about something, rather than reporting facts
adj. 編集の 1 relating to the preparation of a newspaper, book, television programme etc for printing or broadcasting
- V: を出版(発行)する 2 if an organization or someone in an official position issues something such as documents or equipment, they give these things to people who need them
n. 問題(点),未解決 1 SUBJECT/PROBLEM [countable] a subject or problem that is often discussed or argued about, especially a social or political matter that affects the interests of a lot of people
at issue: 未解決で
発刊物 2 MAGAZINE [countable] a magazine or newspaper printed for a particular day, week, or month
発行 2 if an organization or someone in an official position issues something such as documents or equipment, they give these things to people who need them
People who lend books to you expect you to keep them in good condition. [音声]


lend A to B
V. を予想する 1 THINK SOMETHING WILL HAPPEN to think that something will happen because it seems likely or has been planned
と思う 4 THINK to think that you will find that someone or something has a particular quality or does a particular thing
を予期する,期待する 2 DEMAND to demand that someone does something because it is a duty or seems reasonable
=>派 expectation
n. 期待,予期,希望,見込み [countable, uncountable] what you think or hope will happen
n. 予想 2 [countable usually plural] a feeling or belief about the way something should be or how someone should behave
V. を期待する 1 to expect that something will happen and be ready for it
を予想する 2 to think about something that is going to happen, especially something pleasant SYN look forward to
keep A in good condition
Passing time with an ordinary piece of light fiction doesn't require such active reading. [音声]


adj. 平凡な,普通の 1 average, common, or usual, not different or special
n. 小説, 作り話 1 [uncountable] books and stories about imaginary people and events OPP non-fiction

ex 諺. Fact is stranger than fiction.(事実は小説より奇なり)

adj. 妙な 1 unusual or surprising, especially in a way that is difficult to explain or understand SYN odd
見(聞き)慣れない,不慣れな 2 someone or something that is strange is not familiar because you have not seen or met them before
=>派 strangely
adv. 不思議なことに,奇妙に in an unusual or surprising way SYN oddly
=>派 stranger
n.知らない人 1 someone that you do not know
n. 未経験者 someone in a new and unfamiliar place
n. 不可思議 1 [countable usually singular] an event, situation etc that people do not understand or cannot explain because they do not know enough about it
n. 神秘 2 [uncountable] the quality that something or someone has when they seem strange, secret, or difficult to understand or explain
=>派 mysterious
adj. 不思議な,神秘的な 1 mysterious events or situations are difficult to explain or understand
V. を必要とする 1 to need something
を要求する 2 if you are required to do or have something, a law or rule says you must do it or have it
n. 要求(物)1 something that someone needs or asks for
必要な資格 3 something, especially good examination results, that a college, employer etc says you must have in order to do something
V. を願う,を求める.formal to ask for something in a polite or formal way
n. 要求,願い,依頼 1 a polite or formal demand for something
V. 正式に訴える 1 ASK [intransitive] to make a serious public request for help, money, information etc
訴える,援助を求める 2 ASK TO CHANGE DECISION [intransitive, transitive] to make a formal request to a court or someone in authority asking for a decision to be changed
心に訴える 3 BE ATTRACTIVE [intransitive] if someone or something appeals to you, they seem attractive and interesting

ex. We must *appeal to* public opinion to win the election. (選挙に勝つために,我々は,世論に訴えなければならない.)

n. 訴え 1 REQUEST [countable] an urgent request for something important
懇願 4 BEING ATTRACTIVE [uncountable] a quality that makes people like something or someone
Such light fictions can be read in a state of relaxation. [音声]


自 くつろぐ, 他 くつろがせる 1 REST [intransitive, transitive] to rest or do something that is enjoyable, especially after you have been working
=>派 relaxation
n. くつろぐこと 1 [countable, uncountable] a way of resting and enjoying yourself
軽減 2 [uncountable] the process of making rules on the control of something less strict
a great book which is full of ideas which raise fundamental questions / demands the active involvement of your mind. [音声]


idea ≒ thought, view, concept. 53. notion
n. 2 KNOWLEDGE [countable, uncountable] a general understanding of something, based on some knowledge about it
着想,思い付き 3 AIM/INTENTION [countable, uncountable] the aim, intention, or purpose of doing something

ex. I believe in the *idea that* honesty is the best policy. (私は,正直が最善策という考えが正しいと信じている.)

n. イデオロギー, 観念形態、空理、空論 a set of beliefs on which a political or economic system is based, or which strongly influence the way people behave
=>派 ideological
adj.:イデオロギーの based on strong beliefs or ideas, especially political or economic ideas
n. 瞑想 1 [uncountable] the practice of emptying your mind of thoughts and feelings, in order to relax completely or for religious reasons
熟慮 2 [countable usually plural, uncountable] the act of thinking deeply and seriously about something
V. を上げる ≒ 56. lift 1 MOVE HIGHER to move or lift something to a higher position, place, or level
育てる 9 CHILDREN especially American English to look after your children and help them grow SYN bring up British English

ex. She raised her children carefully.(彼女は子供たちを慎重に育てた.)

10 ANIMALS OR PLANTS to look after animals or grow plants so that they can be sold or used as food
を提起する 5 START A SUBJECT to begin to talk or write about a subject that you want to be considered or a question that you think should be answered SYN bring up
≒SYN rear
V.:育てる 1 [transitive] to look after a person or animal until they are fully grown SYN raise
n. うしろ,後部 at or near the back of something, especially a vehicle
V:(引き)下げる 1 REDUCE [intransitive, transitive] to reduce something in amount, degree, strength etc, or to become less
fundamentalSYN basic
adj. 基本の 1 relating to the most basic and important parts of something
本質的な 2 very necessary and important
n. 基本
=>派 fund
n. 資金,積立金 1 [countable] an amount of money that is collected and kept for a particular purpose
財団 3 [singular] an organization that collects money, for example to help people who are ill, old etc → charity
adv. 基本的には, 根本的には in every way that is important or basic
語法:allow him to do型の第5文型で使えない
n. 需要 1 [singular, uncountable] the need or desire that people have for particular goods and services <=>反 supply
要求 2 [countable] a very firm request (要求) for something that you believe you have the right to get
V. を要求する ≒ require 1 to ask for something very firmly, especially because you think you have a right to do this

ex. Her husband *demanded* that she (should) tell him the whole truth. (彼女の夫は,彼女に真実すべてをいわせようとした.)

=>派 demanding
adj.厳しい needing a lot of ability, effort, or skill
If you focus your attention, you will find that you are capable of understanding and remembering many wonderful ideas. [音声]

注意に意識を集中するならば, あなたは多くの素晴らしいアイディアを理解すること,覚えることができるとわかるだろう.

adj. ・・・できる(≒ able ) 2 able to do things well
<=>OPP incapable
・・・できない be capable of doing = be able to do
be capable of ...ing :・・・する能力がある.
=>派 capability
n. 能力,将来性 1 the natural ability, skill, or power that makes a machine, person, or organization able to do something, especially something difficult


