速読英単語改訂第4版「03.テレビと子供の関係」メモ (the memo of "03. relation to television and children" in "SOKUDOKU English word revised 4th edition" )
速読英単語改訂第4版「03.テレビと子供の関係」メモ (the memo of "03. relation to television and children" in "SOKUDOKU English word revised 4th edition" )
速読英単語改訂第4版「03.テレビと子供の関係」の気になった英文・単語のメモ.(this article is a note of English sentense and word which I note in chapter 03. relation to television and children" in "SOKUDOKU English word revised 4th edition".)
I used to have a number of criticisms of television and its effects on children.[音声]
- criticize
- を非難する,を批判する 1 [intransitive, transitive] to express your disapproval of someone or something, or to talk about their faults OPP praise
ex. criticize teachers unfairly (先生たちを不当に非難する)
- =>派 n. criticism
- 批判,批評 1 remarks that say what you think is bad about someone or something OPP praise
- => 派 adj.critical
- 批判的な 1 CRITICIZING if you are critical, you criticize someone or something
- 重大な 2 IMPORTANT something that is critical is very important because what happens in the future depends on it SYN crucial
- 危機的な 3 SERIOUS/WORRYING a critical time or situation is serious and worrying because things might suddenly become much worse
ex. a critical situation(重大な局面,危機的な状況)
- =>派critic
- n. 批評家 1 someone whose job is to make judgments about the good and bad qualities of art, music, films etc SYN reviewer
- effect
- ~に与える影響 1 CHANGE/RESULT [countable, uncountable] a change that is caused by an event, action etc
Television made children unnecessarily frightened, and it encouraged violence.[音声]
- frighten
- V. を怖がらせる to make someone feel afraid SYN scare
ex. I was frightened at the sight.(その光景で,怖がった(肝をつぶした))
- <=派 n.fright
- n.:恐怖,仰天 1 [singular, uncountable] a sudden feeling of fear
- 関 alarm
- n. おそれ,おびえ,不安 2 [uncountable] a feeling of fear or worry because something bad or dangerous might happen
- n. 目覚まし時計 3 alarm_clock.jpg [countable] an alarm clock
- 警報 1 [countable] a piece of equipment that makes a loud noise to warn you of danger
ex. This is no false alarm.(これは間違いの警報ではない.)
- V. を動揺させる, を驚かせる to make someone feel worried or frightened
- violent
- adj. 暴力的な 1 involving actions that are intended to injure or kill people, by hitting them, shooting them etc
- (人が)暴力的な 2 someone who is violent is likely to attack, hurt, or kill other people SYN aggressive
- 激しい 3 showing very strong angry emotions or opinions
- =>派 n.violence
- 暴力(行為)1 behavior that is intended to hurt other people physically
- 激しさ extreme force
because television can keep children quiet, and this often involves children taking in time-wasting shows and unhealthy themes. [音声]
なぜなら,TVは子供を静かにさせておくことができるため, そして,これは,よく,子供を関わらせる ― 時間を浪費させる番組と不健康な話題を見ることに ―
- involve
- V. を含む 1 if an activity or situation involves something, that thing is part of it or a result of it
- V. を関連させる 2 to include or affect someone or something
- を巻き込む 3 to ask or allow someone to take part in something
- を没頭させる,熱中させる
He is involved in working out a crossword puzzle. (彼は,クロスワードパズルを解くのに熱中している.)
However, criticism on this count should be directed towards parents. [音声]
- count
- n. 問題点
- n. 数えること 1 TOTAL the process of counting, or the total that you get when you count things 2 MEASUREMENT a measurement that shows how much of a substance is present in a place, area etc that is being examined
- V. 数える 1 FIND THE TOTAL [transitive] (also count up) to calculate the total number of things or people in a group
- V. 重要である 6 IMPORTANT [intransitive not in progressive] to be important or valuable
ex. Her opinions don't count.(彼女の意見は,重要でない.)
Children may be happy to undertake constructive play. [音声]
- undertake
- V. に取り掛かる,に着手する を引き受ける 1 to accept that you are responsible for a piece of work, and start to do it
- V. を保証する,(責任を)負う 2 undertake to do something to promise or agree to do something
ex. I undertook responsibility for her. (私が,彼女の代わりに責任を負った.)
- =>派 n. undertaking
- 事業
- 保証
I was so concerned by the risks of time-wasting that I denied my children a television. [音声]
私は,あまりに,時間を浪費させるというリスクを心配して, 私は,自分の子供にテレビを与えなかった.
- concern
- V. を心配させる 2 to make someone feel worried or upset
- V. に関係する,参加する 3 if an activity, situation, rule etc concerns you, it affects you or involves you
ex. They are concerned with the project.(彼らはそのプロジェクトに参加している)
- n. 1 WORRY a) [uncountable] a feeling of worry about something important
- 関 project
- V. 計画する 1 CALCULATE [transitive] to calculate what something will be in the future, using the information you have now
- V. 突き出す 投げ出す 2 STICK OUT [intransitive] to stick out beyond an edge or surface SYN protrude
- V. 投影する 3 FILM [transitive] to make the picture of a film, photograph etc appear in a larger form on a screen or flat surface
- n. 事業計画,企画 (開発)事業 1 a carefully planned piece of work to get information about something, to build something, to improve something etc
- =>派projection
- 投影(法)3 FILM [uncountable] the act of projecting a film or picture onto a screen
- 突出部,突起 発射 2 SOMETHING STICKING OUT [countable] formal something that sticks out from a surface
- risk
- n.:危険(性)at the risk of~:~の危険を冒して 1 [countable, uncountable] the possibility that something bad, unpleasant, or dangerous may happen SYN danger,
- V. 危険を冒す,を危険にさらす,あえて・・・する 2 to get into a situation where something unpleasant may happen to you → endanger
ex. I was willing to risk losing everything. (私は,すべてを失うような危険を冒してでも,喜んでいた.)
- ≒SYNendanger
- V. を危険にさらす
- =>派 adj.risky
- 危険な(<=>反 safe) involving a risk that something bad will happen SYN dangerous
- deny
- 語法 目的語に動名詞をとる
- V. を否定する 1 SAY SOMETHING IS NOT TRUE to say that something is not true, or that you do not believe something → denial
ex. He denied having stolen the money.(彼はお金を盗んだことを否定した)
- を拒む, を与えない deny A B: AにBを与えない 2 NOT ALLOW to refuse to allow someone to have or do something
- =>派 n. denial
- 否定,拒絶 1 [countable, uncountable] a statement saying that something is not true → deny
My children convinced me to buy a television. [音声]
- convince
- convince A taht...型の第4文型可, convince A to do 型の第5文型可
- V.(人)に...を納得(確信)させる
to make someone feel certain that something is true
ex 第4文型:Her smile convinced me that she was happy. (彼女のスマイルで,私は確信した,彼女が幸せであると.)
- =>派 conviction
- n. 確信,信念 1 [countable] a very strong belief or opinion
ex. It seemed to me that there was little *conviction* in her voice. (私には,見えた,彼女の声にはほとんど確信がないと.)
- 有罪の判決 a decision in a court of law that someone is guilty of a crime, or the process of proving that someone is guilty OPP acquittal
- =>派 convincing
- adj.説得力のある 1 making you believe that something is true or right
I was so concerned that I bought my children a television the very next day. [音声]
私は,それを心配して, 私は,子供たちにテレビを買った,すぐ次の日に.
- very
- adj. すぐに used to emphasize that you are talking exactly about one particular thing or person
Obviously, television is a potential time-waster, but I now feel this is not a serious problem for children if they are guided by a wise adult. [音声]
明らかに,テレビは,潜在的な時間を浪費させるさせるもので, しかし,私は,今,こう感じます,このことは子供にとって深刻な問題でないと,もし,賢い大人が子供たちを導くならば.
- obviously
- adv. 明らかに used to mean that a fact can easily be noticed or understood SYN clearly
- potential
- adj. 可能性のある,潜在的な likely to develop into a particular type of person or thing in the future SYN possible
- n. 可能性,潜在(能)力 1 the possibility that something will develop in a particular way, or have a particular effect
ex. I found the *potential* of great things in him. (私は,彼の中のすばらしいもののポテンシャルを見た.)
- =>派potentiality
- n. 可能性,潜在性 (formal an ability or quality that could develop in the future)
- wise
- adj. 賢い,分別のある 1 DECISION/IDEA ETC wise decisions and actions are sensible and based on good judgment SYN sensible 2 PERSON someone who is wise makes good decisions, gives good advice etc, especially because they have a lot of experience of life
- =>派 wisdom
- n. 判断力, 分別 1 good sense and judgment, based especially on your experience of life
- 知恵 2 knowledge gained over a long period of time through learning or experience