


速読英単語改訂第4版「09-10.会話はドラマだ」メモ (the memo of "09-10.talking is drama" in "SOKUDOKU English word revised 4th edition" )

速読英単語改訂第4版「09-10.会話はドラマだ」メモ (the memo of "09-10.talking is drama" in "SOKUDOKU English word revised 4th edition" ) 速読英単語改訂第4版「09-10.会話はドラマだ」の気になった英文・単語のメモ.(this article is a note of Engl…

速読英単語改訂第4版「07-08.知らない単語に出会ったら・・・」メモ (the memo of "if you come across a unknown word" in "SOKUDOKU English word revised 4th edition" )

0.7速読英単語改訂第4版「07-08.知らない単語に出会ったら・・・」メモ (the memo of "if you come across a unknown word" in "SOKUDOKU English word revised 4th edition" ) 速読英単語改訂第4版「07-08.知らない単語に出会ったら・・・」の気になった英…

速読英単語改訂第4版「06.外国語の重要性」メモ (the memo of "06.values of learning foreign languages" in "SOKUDOKU English word revised 4th edition" )

速読英単語改訂第4版「06.外国語の重要性」メモ (the memo of "06.values of learning foreign languages" in "SOKUDOKU English word revised 4th edition" ) 速読英単語改訂第4版「06.外国語の重要性」の気になった英文・単語のメモ.(this article is a n…

速読英単語改訂第4版「05.人間が作った道具」メモ (the memo of "05.best tool humans made" in "SOKUDOKU English word revised 4th edition" )

速読英単語改訂第4版「05.人間が作った道具」メモ (the memo of "05.best tool humans made" in "SOKUDOKU English word revised 4th edition" ) 速読英単語改訂第4版「05.人間が作った道具」の気になった英文・単語のメモ.(this article is a note of Engl…

速読英単語改訂第4版「04. 子供の想像力を破壊する教育」メモ (the memo of "04.education of destroying imaginations of children" in "SOKUDOKU English word revised 4th edition" )

速読英単語改訂第4版「04. 子供の想像力を破壊する教育」メモ (the memo of "04.education of destroying imaginations of children" in "SOKUDOKU English word revised 4th edition" ) 速読英単語改訂第4版「04. 子供の想像力を破壊する教育」の気になった…

速読英単語改訂第4版「03.テレビと子供の関係」メモ (the memo of "03. relation to television and children" in "SOKUDOKU English word revised 4th edition" )

速読英単語改訂第4版「03.テレビと子供の関係」メモ (the memo of "03. relation to television and children" in "SOKUDOKU English word revised 4th edition" ) 速読英単語改訂第4版「03.テレビと子供の関係」の気になった英文・単語のメモ.(this articl…

速読英単語改訂第4版「02.行間への書き込みのすすめ」メモ (the memo of "02. persuasion to mark to line spaces in good books" in "SOKUDOKU English word revised 4th edition" )

速読英単語改訂第4版「02.行間への書き込みのすすめ」メモ (the memo of "02. persuasion to mark to line spaces in good books" in "SOKUDOKU English word revised 4th edition" ) 速読英単語改訂第4版「02.行間への書き込みのすすめ」の気になった英文・…

速読英単語改訂第4版「01.古典を読む」メモ (the memo of "01. read classics" in "SOKUDOKU English word revised 4th edition" )

速読英単語改訂第4版「01.古典を読む」メモ (the memo of "01. read classics" in "SOKUDOKU English word revised 4th edition" ) 速読英単語改訂第4版「01.古典を読む」の気になった英文・単語のメモ.(this article is a note of English sentense and wo…