

速読英単語改訂第4版「09-10.会話はドラマだ」メモ (the memo of "09-10.talking is drama" in "SOKUDOKU English word revised 4th edition" )

速読英単語改訂第4版「09-10.会話はドラマだ」メモ (the memo of "09-10.talking is drama" in "SOKUDOKU English word revised 4th edition" )

速読英単語改訂第4版「09-10.会話はドラマだ」の気になった英文・単語のメモ.(this article is a note of English sentense and word which I note in chapter ”09-10.talking is drama" in "SOKUDOKU English word revised 4th edition".)




you perform, to some extent, like an actor. [音声]


V. を演じる 1 [intransitive, transitive] to do something to entertain people, for example by acting a play or playing a piece of music
V. を行う,を果たす 2 [transitive] to do something, especially something difficult or useful SYN carry out
=>派 n.performance
n. 演技,演奏 1 [countable]when someone performs a play or a piece of music
n. 遂行,実行 2 [countable, uncountable] how well or badly a person, company etc does a particular job or activity
n. 性能 4 [uncountable] how well a car or other machine works
n. 程度,範囲,限度,限界 2 [uncountable] how large, important, or serious something is, especially something such as a problem or injury

ex. The extent of damage is inestimable. ダメージの程度は計り知れない

to extent
to some extent ある程度は used to say how true something is or how great an effect or change is
in extent
広さ,大きさ 3 [uncountable] the length or size of something
You are consciously or unconsciously playing a role in the drama of life. [音声]


adj. 気づいて 1 AWARE [not before noun] noticing or realizing something SYN aware

ex. I was not conscious of his presence. 私は彼がいたことに気づかなかった.

adj. 意識的な 2 AWAKE awake and able to understand what is happening around you OPP unconscious
=>派 adv.consciously
意識的に in a way that involves you noticing or realizing something
=>派 n.consciousness
n. 意識 1 [uncountable] the condition of being awake and able to understand what is happening around you
=>派 n.subconscious
adj. 潜在意識の subconscious feelings, desires etc are hidden in your mind and affect your behaviour, but you do not know that you have them
n. 潜在意識 the part of your mind that has thoughts and feelings you do not know about SYN unconscious
n. 良心 1 the part of your mind that tells you whether what you are doing is morally right or wrong
=>派 adj conscientious
adj. 良心 careful to do everything that it is your job or duty to do
n. 無意識 1 unable to see, move, feel etc in the normal way because you are not conscious
=>派 advunconsciously
adj. 盲目の 1 UNABLE TO SEE a) unable to see
adj. 理解できない FEELINGS a) blind faith/prejudice/obedience etc strong feelings that someone has without thinking about why they have them – used to show disapproval
n. 劇,演劇 1 [countable, uncountable] a play for the theatre, television, radio etc, usually a serious one, or plays in general → comedy
=>派 adj.dramatic
adj. 急激な 1 great and sudden
adj. 演劇の 3 connected with acting or plays
=>派 adv.dramatically
adv. 劇的に 1 in a great and sudden way
adv. 目覚ましく 2 in a way that is intended to be impressive, so that people notice
n. 悲劇,惨事 1 [countable, uncountable] a very sad event, that shocks people because it involves death
喜劇 1 [uncountable] entertainment that is intended to make people laugh
=>派 adj.tragic
adj. 悲劇の,悲劇的な 1 a tragic event or situation makes you feel very sad, especially because it involves death or suffering → comic
When you relate stories to a teacher, you play the role of a intelligent student. [音声]

あなたは話を先生にするとき, あなたは,賢い生徒の役を演じる.

V. 関係がある 1 [intransitive] if two things relate, they are connected in some way SYN connect

ex. Crime has been related to poverty. (犯罪は,貧困に関連があるとされている.)

V. に関連付ける 2 [transitive] if you relate two different things, you show how they are connected
V. を話す 3 [transitive] formal to tell someone about events that have happened to you or to someone else
n. 関係 3 CONNECTION [countable, uncountable] a connection between two or more things SYN relationship
n. 話 in relation to something
n. 関係 1 [countable] the way in which two people or two groups feel about each other and behave towards each other
n. 愛情関係 3 [countable] a situation in which two people spend time together or live together, and have romantic or sexual feelings for each other
you will immediately change roles to fit the situations. [音声]


adj. 即座の,迅速の 1 happening or done at once and without delay
adj. すぐ隣の 4 [only before noun] next to, or very near to, a particular place
adj. 直接の [only before noun] happening just before or just after someone or something else ≒SYN direct
adv. 即座に,直接に
語法: - 大きさや型が合う fit - 色や柄が人に似合う become, suit - 色や柄がその着物とは異なる部分の色や柄に合う match, go with
V. 服の大きさや型が合う 1 CLOTHES a) [intransitive, transitive] if a piece of clothing fits you, it is the right size for your body
V. 状況に合わせる 5 MATCH/BE SUITABLE [intransitive, transitive] if something fits another thing, it is similar to it or suitable for it

ex. She fitted her schedule to mine.(彼女は,自分の予定を私に合わせた.)

adj. 適した 2 SUITABLE suitable or good enough for something OPP unfit
adj. 丈夫な 1 STRONG someone who is fit is strong and healthy, especially because they exercise regularly OPP unfit
n. 発作 2 LOSE CONSCIOUSNESS [countable] a short period of time when someone loses consciousness and cannot control their body because their brain is not working properly
otherwise, we would not get what we *want out of* each relationship. [音声]

そうでなければ, 我々は,得られないだろう,各々の関係から得たいものを,

adv. そうでなければ 1 [sentence adverb] used when saying what bad thing will happen if something is not done 2 [sentence adverb] used when saying what would have happened or might have happened if something else had not happened

ex. Go at once, otherwise you will be late. (すぐ行きなさい,そうでなければ遅れるでしょう)

adv. ほかの点では 4 except for what has just been mentioned
n. ルール・主義 1 MORAL RULE [countable, uncountable] a moral rule or belief about what is right and wrong, that influences how you behave
n. 考え 2 IDEA BEHIND SOMETHING [countable] the basic idea that a plan or system is based on
n. 原理・原則・法則 4 RULES OF A PROCESS [countable] a rule which explains the way something such as a machine works, or which explains a natural force in the universe

the principle of relativity: 相対性原理

in principle
原則として a) if something is possible in principle, there is no good reason why it should not happen, but it has not actually happened yet
actors learn the principles for constructing different characters, but we change characters naturally and easily as our situations change. [音声]

俳優は,様々なキャラクター(役)を作るために,法則を学ぶ, しかし,我々は,役を変える,自然にかつ簡単に,状況が変化するのに応じて.

V. を建設する 1 to build something such as a house, bridge, road etc
V. を構成する,を組み立てる 2 to form something such as a sentence, argument, or system by joining words, ideas etc together
=>派 n. construction
n. 建設,建築 1 BUILDING SOMETHING [uncountable] the process of building things such as houses, bridges, roads etc
n. 構成 2 MAKING SOMETHING FROM MANY PARTS [uncountable] the process of making something using many parts
=> adj. constructive
adj. 建設的な useful and helpful, or likely to produce good results

constructive suggestion: 建設的な提案

One actor studied a part so deeply that he finished the movie with no memory of who he really was. [音声]

ある俳優は,役を深く勉強しすぎて, 彼は,映画(制作)を終わらせた,自分の本当の姿の記憶なしで(を思い出せず).

n. 部分 1 PIECE [countable] a piece or feature of something such as an object, area, event, or period of time
n. パーツ 2 MACHINE/OBJECT [countable] one of the separate pieces that something such as a machine or piece of equipment is made of
n. 役,役割 17 ACTING [countable] the words and actions of a particular character in a play or film SYN role
V. を分ける 1 [intransitive, transitive] written to move the two sides of something apart, or to move apart, making a space in the middle
V. 別れる 2 [intransitive] written to separate from someone, or end a relationship with them
n. 部分 something into two or more different parts, or the way these parts are separated or shared
部分 1 [countable] a part of something larger, especially a part that is different from the other parts
≒ SYNsection
1 PLACE/OBJECT [countable] one of the parts that something such as an object or place is divided into
V. を分ける 1 BE BETWEEN [transitive] if something separates two places or two things, it is between them so that they are not touching each other
=>派 n. separation
n. 部分 1 [uncountable] when something separates or is separate
=>派 adv.partly
adv. 一部分は,いくぶんか to some degree, but not completely OPP wholly

ex. I am partly responsible for the accident. (私は,部分的に(一部),その事故に責任がある)

=>派 adj.partial
adj. 部分の 1 not complete
adj. 不公平な 3 unfairly supporting one person or one group against another

ex. The umpire is partial to the team from her own country. (審判は,彼女自身の国出身のチームに不公平である(肩を持つ).)

<=>OPP total
adj. 全体の 1 [usually before noun] complete, or as great as is possible
=>派 adv. partially
adv. 部分的に,不公平に not completely SYN partly
adj. パートタイムの someone who has a part-time job works for only part of each day or week
adv. パートタイムで
but don't forget who you really are. [音声]



Many movie stars find it easier to play a role in a movie than in real life, which is a more delicate affair. [音声]


n. 役 2 the character played by an actor in a play or film SYN part
n. 役割 1 the way in which someone or something is involved in an activity or situation, and how much influence they have on it

ex. play an import role 重要な役割を果たす

V. (ものを)転がる,転がす 1 ROUND OBJECT [intransitive always + adverb/preposition, transitive] if something rolls, especially something round, or if you roll it, it moves along a surface by turning over and over

ex. A rolling stone gathers no moss. (転がる石に苔は生えぬ)

V. (人・動物)が横に転がる 2 PERSON/ANIMAL [intransitive, transitive always + adverb/preposition] (also roll over) to turn your body over one or more times while lying down, or to turn someone else’s body over
V. 丸くする 3 SHAPE OF TUBE/BALL [transitive] (also roll up) to make something into the shape of a tube or ball
n. ロール 1 PAPER/FILM/MONEY ETC a piece of paper, camera film, money etc that has been rolled into the shape of a tube
n. パン 2 BREAD a small round loaf of bread for one person → bun
n. うねり,ひねり a) British English a movement in which you roll forward or back in a controlled way with your body curled so that your head is near your feet, often done as part of a sport SYN somersault
n. 役 5 GAME the action of throwing dice as part of a game
adj. 繊細な,微妙な 1 needing to be dealt with carefully or sensitively in order to avoid problems or failure
adj. 壊れやすい 2 easily damaged or broken SYN fragile
adj. 微妙な 1 not easy to notice or understand unless you pay careful attention OPP obvious
adj. 困難な 1 DIFFICULT difficult to do or deal with
adj. 強い 2 STRONG PERSON physically or emotionally strong and able to deal with difficult situations
adj. 堅い 4 STRICT/FIRM very strict or firm
adj. (人が)暴力的な 9 VIOLENT PERSON likely to behave violently and having no gentle qualities
adj. 食べるのが難しい 10 FOOD difficult to cut or eat OPP tender
=>派 n.delicacy
n. 珍味 1 [countable] something good to eat that is expensive or rare
n. 微妙 2 [uncountable] a careful and sensitive way of speaking or behaving so that you do not upset anyone SYN tact
n. 繊細 3 [uncountable] the quality of being easy to harm or damage
n. affairs 事象,問題,事件
n. (ビジネスの)業務,仕事 b) things connected with your personal life, your financial situation etc
7 MATTER [singular] a situation or activity, especially one that you have a particular opinion about or attitude towards
To be a hero in a movie is a rather trivial matter compared to being a smart teenager. [音声]

映画でヒーローであることは,むしろ取るに足りないことである, (実際に)頭のいい若者であることに比べれば.

n. 英雄 1 a man who is admired for doing something extremely brave → heroine
主人公 2 the man or boy who is the main character in a book, film, play etc → heroine
adj. 取るに足りない,つまらない not serious, important, or valuable

ex. it's a trivial matter.(それはささいなことだ.)

語法:sightの最上級は意味的に least に近い,否定文では,「少しも・・・ない」
adj. 少しの,わずかな1 [usually before noun] small in degree OPP big

ex. I think there's not the slightest doubt about it. (私はこう思う,それについて少し疑いもない)

(人が)繊細な 3 someone who is slight is thin and delicate OPP stocky► see thesaurus at thin
adj. かすかな,ぼんやりとした 1 difficult to see, hear, smell etc

ex. He called for help in a faint voice. (彼は助けを求めた,かすかな声で)

adj. めまいがして 4 feeling weak and as if you are about to become unconscious because you are very ill, tired, or hungry
V. 失神する 1 to suddenly become unconscious for a short time SYN pass out
n. 失神 n. an act of becoming unconscious
adj. 賢い ,頭のいい,利口な 1 INTELLIGENT especially American English intelligent or sensible SYN clever OPP stupid
adj.洗練された 3 NEAT British English a) a smart person is wearing neat attractive clothes and has a generally tidy appearance SYN sharp American English OPP scruffy
adj. 小奇麗な b) smart clothes, buildings etc are clean, tidy, and attractive SYN sharp American English
In real life, you are expected to deal with many different situations with no script. [音声]


n. 賛成,契約,取引 1 AGREEMENT [countable] an agreement or arrangement, especially in business or politics, that helps both sides involved
n. 量 [a great/good deal](http://www.ldoceonline.com/dictionary/a-great-good-deal) a large quantity of something SYN a lot
n. 扱い 3 TREATMENT [countable usually singular] treatment of a particular type that is given or received
V. を商う 1 deal in something to buy and sell a particular type of product → dealer
V. を取り扱う,を対処する deal with somebody/something 1 to take the necessary action, especially in order to solve a problem SYN handle
V. 取引する 3 to do business with someone or have a business connection with someone

ex. She deals with your company. (彼女は,あなたの会社と取引している.)

n. 状況,立場 1 a combination of all the things that are happening and all the conditions that exist at a particular time in a particular place

ex. You find yourself in a delicate situation. (あなたは,微妙な立場にある)

n. 位置 2 the type of area where a building is situated – used especially by people who sell or advertise buildings
=> adj.situated
adj. 位置して to be in a particular place or position SYN located
<=派 V.locate
V. 位置を定める 2 [transitive] to find the exact position of something
V. 住む 3 [transitive] to put or build something in a particular place
=>派 location
n. 位置 1 [countable] a particular place, especially in relation to other areas, buildings etc
siteweb site
n. 敷地 1 a place where something important or interesting happened
V. を言及する 1 to mention something as an example, especially one that supports, proves, or explains an idea or situation
V. を引用する 2 to give the exact words of something that has been written, especially in order to support an opinion or prove an idea SYN quote
I am sure you usually manage this very well. [音声]


V. どうにかする ≒ deal with 2 DO SOMETHING DIFFICULT [intransitive, transitive] to succeed in doing something difficult, especially after trying very hard
V. 対処する 3 DEAL WITH PROBLEMS [intransitive] to succeed in dealing with problems, living in a difficult situation etc
V. 管理する 8 CONTROL [transitive] to control the behaviour of a person or animal, so that they do what you want
V. 1 経営する BUSINESS [transitive] to direct or control a business or department and the people, equipment, and money involved in it

ex. She is managing the business for her mother. (彼女は,母に代わってビジネスを経営している.)

=>派 n.management
n. 管理 1 [uncountable] the activity of controlling and organizing the work that a company or organization does
n. 管理者 2 [singular, uncountable] the people who are in charge of a company or organization
=>派 n. manager
n. 管理者 1 someone whose job is to manage part or all of a company or other organization
young people are afraid they will get into an embarrassing situation where they won't know what to say. [音声]

若い人がこう恐れている, 彼らは,困った状況 ―何を言えばいいのかわからない状況― に陥るだろうと,

get into
~に陥る 6 START DOING SOMETHING to start doing or feeling something, or being in a particular situation
V. (誰)に恥をかかせる 1 to make someone feel ashamed, nervous, or uncomfortable, especially in front of other people
V. をまごつかせる,当惑させる 2 to do something that causes problems for a government, political organization, or politician, and makes them look bad

ex. He was embarrassed at what he had said. (彼は,言ったことに当惑した.)

=>派 n.embarrassment
n. 当惑させる感情 1 [uncountable] the feeling you have when you are embarrassed
n. 当惑させるもの 2 [countable] an event that causes a government, political organization etc problems, and makes it look bad
n. 当惑している人 3 [countable] someone who behaves in a way that makes you feel ashamed, nervous, or uncomfortable
=>派 adj. embarrassing
adj. 当惑している you feel ashamed, nervous, or uncomfortable
a decade of university lectures cannot give you all the answers for life's many situations. [音声]


n. 10年間 a period of 10 years

ex. the first decade of this century (今世紀の最初の10年間)

n. 時代 a period of time in history that is known for a particular event, or for particular qualities
=> epoch
n. 歴史の期間 a period of history SYN era
adj. 画期的な very important in changing the way people live or the way a society is organized
adj. 1年間の 1 happening once a year SYN yearly
n. 1000年間 1 a period of 1,000 years
n. 講義 1 a long talk on a particular subject that someone gives to a group of people, especially to students in a university → speech
n. 説教 2 an act of criticizing someone or warning them about something in a long serious talk, in a way that they think is unfair or unnecessary
V. を説教する 1 [transitive] to talk angrily or seriously to someone in order to criticize or warn them, in a way that they think is unfair or unnecessary
V. 講義をする 2 [intransitive] to talk to a group of people on a particular subject, especially to students in a university

give a lecture on leisure (文学の講義する)

My advice is: [音声]


語法 不可算名詞
n. 忠告,助言 an opinion you give someone about what they should do
語法: allow him to do 型の第5文型が可能
V. 忠告する,助言する 1 [intransitive, transitive] to tell someone what you think they should do, especially when you know more than they do about something

ex. I strongly advised him to take a rest. (私は,強く,彼に,休憩とるようアドバイスした.)

if the circumstances are difficult, just be yourself and everything will work out well. [音声]

もし,状況が困難ならば, ただ,自分らしく振舞いなさい, そして,あらゆることはうまいくでしょう.

n. 状況, 事情,環境 1 [countable usually plural] the conditions that affect a situation, action, event etc

ex. Human is a creature of circumstances. (人は環境の動物である.)